by danz | Jun 3, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
We will be running our Zoom classes until the end of June with the following exceptions starting this week: Wed 4:45pm Thursday 6:30pm Friday 6:15pm
by danz | Apr 17, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
Missing aerial? Join our friend Joanne Galligan and the Toronto Circus Collective for some on demand drills.
by danz | Apr 17, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
Thank you to everyone who supported the Citrus MDG Fundraiser! We surpassed our numbers from 2019! Congratulations to Sylvie Beaudry as our top fundraiser! Orders can be picked up as of April 21 & 22 between 5 – 8 pm. CURB SIDE pickup by APPOINTMENT ONLY. ...
by danz | Apr 17, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
We will be adding ZOOM classes to run starting Monday, April 20, 2020. We will need to combine certain classes and students will be notified by email which classes they are invited to attend. This is the schedule of classes we are able to offer at this time. We may...
by danz | Apr 7, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
CITRUS FUNDRAISER – YES! We will go ahead with this fundraiser as planned. Orders and payments are due APRIL 13. Please mail in or drop off in the MDG Courier slot (beside studio front door) the order forms and payments. Delivery date to MDG TBD. Pickup will be...
by danz | Apr 7, 2020 | Monica's Danz Gym, News Feed
ZOOM classes for MDG are starting April 11! Link will be available on the website and social media when it is ready. Be sure to register in time and turn on your video so we can see your smiling faces! Here is the MDG schedule for now – more classes to be added...